Curator Statement

Just because you say

Our lives are defined by constructs. Without this, we can argue to say chaos can shatter our truest potential, because we need structure, practice, or to devoutly believe in something. But what happens when we master our own conditions and face the challenge of questioning beyond what we know?

There is a determination innately designed in the human psyche to manifest achievements. We are taking risks to progress in manifesting the divine impossible, programming robotics to take over human task, with less flaw, creating digital landscapes, and minimizing gender expectations based on work ethic or power play.

In this explorative, curatorial project, I found an organic and curious conversation between the artists works. The works were quiet defiances of the established.The result is a poetic collage of neutral color palettes, movement, and images.

Belaxis Buil~ Curator
BAC Exhibition/ FIU/ MFA

Paul Perdomo, " Primo Crunch" Photography, 2016


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